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artist: Cyprien Tokoudagba

Decade Work Created




Artist Name


Cyprien Tokoudagba

Painting (Painting)

In a style that is unique of Tokoudagba, he evokes the kings, gods and their symbols related to the earth, water, air and fire, usually on a white background. The representations of voodoo divinities imagined by the artist often return to the same pattern of red and black circles, participating in the mysterious character of the work. The title can enlighten the interpretation of these symbols: in voodoo, the guede are the spirits of death and fertility.

Untitled (Monks)

Ciprian Muresan

Film & Video (Film & Video)

Ciprian Muresan asked a group of protagonists to wear a monk’s robe and copy a certain number of artworks and texts from exhibition catalogues. Here it is no longer the Bible that is reproduced but works by Malevich, Mondrian, Beuys, Duchamp. These artists represent a certain form of utopia in art and are themselves quasi-mythical figures.

I'm Protesting Against Myself

Ciprian Muresan

Film & Video (Film & Video)

The video I am protesting against myself presents a puppet in a garbage can citing numerous reasons why one should protest against it. Ciprian Muresan utilizes the comic effects typical of popular culture and the media. Progressively during the video, one appropriates the reasons for this characters discontent.

Forgotten Statues

Ciprian Muresan

Sculpture (Sculpture)

Forgotten Statues , 2020 continues the artist’s reflections on power and the fragility of works of art. In this case, it’s no longer about sculptures which are no longer on display but rather those that are on permanent display, fixing the official narrative of art history. In Forgotten Statues , the artist reproduces from memory sculptures from the permanent exhibition of the Art Museum in Cluj.

Ciprian Muresan

Ciprian Muresan appropriates historical, political, social and cultural (essentially artistic, literary and cinematographic) references which he re-contextualizes...

Cyprien Tokoudagba

Cyprien Tokoudagba self-taught drawing and cement sculpture before being noticed for his decorating skills...